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Florka’s Diary

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Year of production: 2014

Janusz Martyn


In “Florka’s Diary” (13 episodes x 11 minutes) the world is shown from the perspective of a several-year-old child with all his naivety, as well as delight and freshness of view. Florka is a diligent and curious observer of reality. He doesn’t fully trust adult translations, so he checks everything by himself and of course comes to his own conclusions, not necessarily correct, but always very revealing. Florka is surprised by the simplest things, while learning to understand and name them. Just as he learns to name, understand and tame his emotions – fear, jealousy, delight, disappointment or shame. From the perspective of a child of several years, these emotions – experienced for the first time – are very strong. Florka – despite her philosophical and reflective nature, she also has a great sense of humor and sometimes not easy characters, which adds lightness and grace to her adventures. Florka is accompanied by three friends – degus Celestyna, Albertyna and Michalina. But the most important role is played by the family home – a refuge of security and peace. Series co-financed by Lodz Film Fund in 2012, 2016 and 2017.

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